I am so sorry to hear of Ray's stroke. I truly hope he is not suffering, and that his wife can be comforted by her friends and family. I, too, believe that Ray is a good man, faithful to what he believes to be true, and that he has tried throughout his life to help others as best he can. His seems to have been the sole voice of reason and sanity in the Watchtower hierarchy. If only the leadership had heeded his advice and adopted his attitude to truth (as opposed to The Truth®), they wouldn't be experiencing the mass exodus they're seeing now. And sites like this wouldn't be necessary.
I began seeing the discrepancies and outright ludicrousness of certain Watchtower teachings over 20 years ago. But Ray, through his books, helped me to see "behind the curtain." From him I learned how the Governing Body actually works, and verified what I already felt in my heart: that this really was a man-made religion, more and more focused on maintaining their control of the masses rather than dispensing real truth. If the worst happens, this strong and reasonable "voice in the wilderness" will be stilled, but the message (through his books) will continue to ring out, and will never be forgotten.
Godspeed, Ray. And Cynthia, all my love and respect are with you. May the peace of God sustain you in your hour of grief.